Yer bildirir.
at the market
at the board
at the hotel
at the store
at the counter
at home
AT+adress : bir yerin adresini söylemeden önce kullanılır.
-I am living at 321 South 12th street, apartment 4.
Yönelme anlatabilir (-e doğru)
-He always smiles at me.
-He pointed at the people walking in the rain.
-One of those children has thrown a stone at our window.
-Why are you shouting at me ?
-The students laughed at the teacher yesterday.
-It is rude of him to swear at you.
Saatlerden ve zaman ifadelerinden önce kullanılır.
At 6/at 10 o'clock/at Christmas/at easter
-He is likely to come here at 10.
At a time: tek seferde
-Theach one thing at a time or the students may be confused.
At present/at the moment/at this very moment :NOW
-Lusy is talking to her son about his grades at present.
At first: ilk başta
-I thought that I could handle with this alone at first, but I understood later on that it was rather impossible.
At last: finally/sonunda, nihayet
-We are at home at last.
‘’at the end’’ DİYEMEYİZ ! ‘’In the end’’ deriz.
At ise, ‘’At the end of something’’ biçiminde kullanılır. : bir şeyin sonunda
-The leading character is murdered at the end of the film.
At length : uzun süre boyunca ayrıntılı bir şekilde yapılan işi anlatır.
-We talked about all our problems at length last night.
At once/Right away/Immediately: hemen, derhal
-We should leave at once to catch the train.
Beceri bildiren sıfatlardan sonra at kullanılır.
Hotshot at
Skilled at
Terrible at
Lousy at
Talented at
Expert at
Good at
Bad at
At old hand at : very experienced with
-Mr Lark is an old hand at with pre-school children.
Duyguşarımızı ve tepkilerimizi anlatan bazı sıfatlardan sonra kullanılabilir.
Bewildered at
Surprised at
İndignant at
Astonished at
Amazed at
Astounted at
Shocked at
Speechless at
Thrilled at
Yaş, fiyat, alçaklık, yükseklik, mesafe, hız anlatırken at prepositionu kullanılabilir.
-You should check this at regular intervals.
-I saw your boyfriend at a distance (uzak mesafeden), but I think he is handsome.
-She was driving at normal speed when the policeman stopped her.
At that
‘’o/bu noktada’’ anlamı verir.
-You had beter stop this discussion at that. (bu tartışmayı bu noktada kessen iyi olacak.
‘’ilginçtir ki’’ anlam ı verir.
-The told met hat they got lost while wandering around the city, and in their hometown at that! (bana şehirde dolaşırkenm kaybolduklarını söylediler ve ilginçtir ki doğup büyüdükleri yerde.)
At an advantage : beter than average position
-Due to the fact that her family is well-off, she is at an advantage.
At one’s mercy: birinin insiyatifinde olmak/kaderi birinin elinde olmak
-These prisoners are at guardian’s mercy, which is unfair.
Make a pass at someone: kur yapmak
Bir şeyin başında vakit geçirmek anlamında kullanılabilir
At the computer
At the ironing board
At the sewing machine, etc.
At random: randomly, tesadüfen
At+superlative form of an adjective: en mutlu, en iyi, güzel vs olunan zamanı anlatır.
-Jane got married to Andrew last month, and she is at her happiest these days.
At liberty/at war
-The countries have been at war for two months.
At someone’s invitation : daveti üzerine
At someone’s request : ricası üzerine
-Fiona rearranged all the files on the shelf in the Office yesterday at his request.
Work hard at something : deal with it/bir şeyi düzeltmek için uğraşmak
Miktar anlatırken kullanılabilir.
-This plane is likely to weigh at eighty tons.
-Unemployment stays pegged at three million.
At ease:
Be/feel at ease: be/feel confident and relaxed
Be ill at ease: be uncomfortable, anxious or worried
At ease/stand at ease: ‘’rahat!’’ komutu
At risk: risk altında
Do somethinmg at the risk of something: bir şeyin riskini göze alarak bir şey yapmak
At one’s own risk: birini bir tehlikeye karşı uyarırken ‘’bu sizin sorumluluğunuz’’ anlamında kullanılıır.
-Those who wish to take part in this organization will do so at their own risk.
kaynak: ders notlarm
Yer bildirir.
at the market
at the board
at the hotel
at the store
at the counter
at home
AT+adress : bir yerin adresini söylemeden önce kullanılır.
-I am living at 321 South 12th street, apartment 4.
Yönelme anlatabilir (-e doğru)
-He always smiles at me.
-He pointed at the people walking in the rain.
-One of those children has thrown a stone at our window.
-Why are you shouting at me ?
-The students laughed at the teacher yesterday.
-It is rude of him to swear at you.
Saatlerden ve zaman ifadelerinden önce kullanılır.
At 6/at 10 o'clock/at Christmas/at easter
-He is likely to come here at 10.
At a time: tek seferde
-Theach one thing at a time or the students may be confused.
At present/at the moment/at this very moment :NOW
-Lusy is talking to her son about his grades at present.
At first: ilk başta
-I thought that I could handle with this alone at first, but I understood later on that it was rather impossible.
At last: finally/sonunda, nihayet
-We are at home at last.
‘’at the end’’ DİYEMEYİZ ! ‘’In the end’’ deriz.
At ise, ‘’At the end of something’’ biçiminde kullanılır. : bir şeyin sonunda
-The leading character is murdered at the end of the film.
At length : uzun süre boyunca ayrıntılı bir şekilde yapılan işi anlatır.
-We talked about all our problems at length last night.
At once/Right away/Immediately: hemen, derhal
-We should leave at once to catch the train.
Beceri bildiren sıfatlardan sonra at kullanılır.
Hotshot at
Skilled at
Terrible at
Lousy at
Talented at
Expert at
Good at
Bad at
At old hand at : very experienced with
-Mr Lark is an old hand at with pre-school children.
Duyguşarımızı ve tepkilerimizi anlatan bazı sıfatlardan sonra kullanılabilir.
Bewildered at
Surprised at
İndignant at
Astonished at
Amazed at
Astounted at
Shocked at
Speechless at
Thrilled at
Yaş, fiyat, alçaklık, yükseklik, mesafe, hız anlatırken at prepositionu kullanılabilir.
-You should check this at regular intervals.
-I saw your boyfriend at a distance (uzak mesafeden), but I think he is handsome.
-She was driving at normal speed when the policeman stopped her.
At that
‘’o/bu noktada’’ anlamı verir.
-You had beter stop this discussion at that. (bu tartışmayı bu noktada kessen iyi olacak.
‘’ilginçtir ki’’ anlam ı verir.
-The told met hat they got lost while wandering around the city, and in their hometown at that! (bana şehirde dolaşırkenm kaybolduklarını söylediler ve ilginçtir ki doğup büyüdükleri yerde.)
At an advantage : beter than average position
-Due to the fact that her family is well-off, she is at an advantage.
At one’s mercy: birinin insiyatifinde olmak/kaderi birinin elinde olmak
-These prisoners are at guardian’s mercy, which is unfair.
Make a pass at someone: kur yapmak
Bir şeyin başında vakit geçirmek anlamında kullanılabilir
At the computer
At the ironing board
At the sewing machine, etc.
At random: randomly, tesadüfen
At+superlative form of an adjective: en mutlu, en iyi, güzel vs olunan zamanı anlatır.
-Jane got married to Andrew last month, and she is at her happiest these days.
At liberty/at war
-The countries have been at war for two months.
At someone’s invitation : daveti üzerine
At someone’s request : ricası üzerine
-Fiona rearranged all the files on the shelf in the Office yesterday at his request.
Work hard at something : deal with it/bir şeyi düzeltmek için uğraşmak
Miktar anlatırken kullanılabilir.
-This plane is likely to weigh at eighty tons.
-Unemployment stays pegged at three million.
At ease:
Be/feel at ease: be/feel confident and relaxed
Be ill at ease: be uncomfortable, anxious or worried
At ease/stand at ease: ‘’rahat!’’ komutu
At risk: risk altında
Do somethinmg at the risk of something: bir şeyin riskini göze alarak bir şey yapmak
At one’s own risk: birini bir tehlikeye karşı uyarırken ‘’bu sizin sorumluluğunuz’’ anlamında kullanılıır.
-Those who wish to take part in this organization will do so at their own risk.
kaynak: ders notlarm